eiPaaS definition by Gartner
eiPaaS definition by Gartner
An enterprise integration platform as a service (eiPaaS) is a suite of cloud services that addresses a variety of scenarios, including application and data integration, as well as some combination of process, ecosystems, mobile, AI-enabled systems and IoT integration, as well as API management and digital integration hub capabilities.
Source: Gartner "Technology Insight for Enterprise Integration PaaS" Massimo Pezzini, Benoit Lheureux, 31 July 2019
According to Gartner, "By 2023, the iPaaS market (which combines enterprise and domain-specific iPaaS) is expected to grow well above $6 billion in revenue (up from about $1.6 billion in 2018), thus becoming the largest segment in the integration platform technology market."