YAYA was founded in 1992 as a small fashion brand that eventually transformed into what YAYA is today. A Dutch lifestyle brand for style-conscious women known for its elegant clothing and stylish home items in timeless, natural hues. With more than 2700 points of sale, YAYA's collections can now be admired worldwide. You can find YAYA concept stores in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Poland, and Ireland. Their headquarters is located in Halfweg, a small village near Amsterdam. 

YAYA has been using ConnectPlaza since 2017 for mainly ‘restifying’ their legacy ERP environment. This ERP system has limited functionality to expose and retrieve data to modern API based SaaS applications ( e.q. E-commerce, SalesApps etc). To solve the historical disconnect between Warehouse and ERP, YAYA decided to implement a new Warehouse Management System. This would help them to drastically reduce errors and make informed, data driven decisions to deliver a more responsive and consistent service to their clients. Once the WMS was connected with ConnectPlaza it changed from a batch oriented architecture to a real-time architecture with updates. Now, information on stock, returns and delivery status is always up-to-date. Access to real-time data also allows YAYA to respond more quickly when needed.  




Key Topics

  • On-premises WMS  
  • Security and orchestration of data 
  • Extensive mapping in order to sync data 
  • Minimize back orders and returns 
  • Real-time integration instead of batch oriented data sync 

Use Case

ConnectPlaza iPaaS helped YAYA integrate their on-premise (legacy) ERP with a modern Cloud WMS system with end-to-end reliable integration. With ConnectPlaza, YAYA was able to bridge its in-house retail application with its enterprise resource planning (ERP) and WMS systems into a successful implementation. 

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