HVC is a waste processing and management company operating in Flevoland, North Holland, and South Holland. In 2019, HVC was the largest non-commercial waste collector in the Netherlands helping 556.000+ household and with € 342 million revenue. The company's headquarters is located in Alkmaar. HVC stands for "Huisvuilcentrale" (Household Waste Central). The company is responsible for sustainable waste management for forty-four municipalities and six water boards from North Holland, South Holland, Utrecht, Flevoland, and Friesland. 

The HVC application landscape is partly on-premises and cloud based with extensive data exchanges occurring. All integrations between business-critical applications and supply chain partners is done with ConnectPlaza platform. HVC required an integration platform that would help it move from on-premises applications to partly cloud-hosted applications, to assist its digital transformation program. The existing legacy integrations platforms were limited to working with the on-premises application estate. A hybrid integration platform as a service (iPaaS) was required to fulfill the transition from an on-premises to cloud hosted environment. HVC is using ConnectPlaza to integrate ERP (AMCS), apps, finance and other corporate systems. Other systems to receive ConnectPlaza integrations included weighing systems, traffic management, planning as well as all 24-7 critical systems that include a portal for national wide use by all citizens to connect to HVC and request for information. 

ConnectPlaza’s flexible, scalable integration platform has tied all of HVC’s workflows together, eliminating barriers among siloed business applications and data across cloud and legacy systems. All HVC’s applications are now connected via the ConnectPlaza iPaaS Platform, including highly critical ones such as its ERP, Finance and Operational systems to manage the entire fleet of Wastetrucks. 



Waste Management / Energy 

Key Topics

  • Integrate with many different complex primary systems  
  • Self-service and in-house development: Much faster turnaround of integrations — what used to take weeks now takes days at most. 
  • Reduced need for administrative support and maintenance time for integrations, giving its IT team more time to innovate 
  • Real-Time data sync and reliable messaging 
  • Minimize data errors  
  • 24-7 uptime for critical end-user based online systems. 

Use Case

HVC must be able to innovate and respond swiftly to changes in the market in order to achieve its goals. Digital transformation is key to HVC strategy, as without it the company would be unable to achieve the speed or agility required to implement new services for improving energy- and waste management. ENGIE was able to optimize its technology and application infrastructure. It can now much more rapidly respond to business requests. 

The company realized that a cloud-native, No-code development environment would bring far greater speed and efficiency to its integration projects and increase its ability to quickly respond to customers. 

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