Prometheus Metrics Rename 4.x.-> 5.x

Prometheus Metrics Rename 4.x.-> 5.x

Agent-4.* naming Agent-5.* naming Tags Description
agent-heap-used heap_used_bytes   The amount of used heap memory
agent_heap_committed heap_committed_bytes   The amount of committed heap memory
agent_heap_max heap_max_bytes   The amount of max heap memory
agent_memory_used memory_used_bytes   The amount of used non heap memory
agent_memory_committed memory_committed_bytes   The amount of committed non heap memory
agent_memory_max memory_max_bytes   The amount of max non heap memory
agent_CpuLoad cpu_load_usage   The "recent cpu usage" of the system the application is running in
agent_ProcessCpuLoad process_cpu_load_usage   The "recent cpu usage" for the Java Virtual Machine process
agent_SystemLoadAverage system_load_average_usage   The sum of the number of runnable entities queued to available processors and the number of runnable entities running on the available processors averaged over a period of time
agent_AvailableProcessors available_processors_count   The number of processors available to the Java virtual machine
agent_total_memory_size total_memory_size_bytes   Total Physical memory size
agent_free_memory_size free_memory_size_bytes   Free Physical memory size
agent_total_swap_memory_size total_swap_memory_size_bytes   Total swap size
agent_free_swap_memory_size free_swap_memory_size_bytes   Free swap size
agent_NrOfThreads agent_threads_count   Threads in use
agent_StartTime agent_start_time_ms   ms since epoch
agent_UpTime agent_up_time_ms   ms since starttime
agent_nrOfInterfaces agent_interfaces_count   Total installed interfaces
agent_runningState agent_running_state   Agent running state
broker_StorePercent Usage broker_store_usage_percent broker= Percentage of store in use
broker_TempPercent Usage broker_temp_usage_percent broker= Percentage of temporary store in use
broker_MemoryPercent Usage broker_memory_usage_percent broker= Percentage of memory in use
  broker_average_message_size_bytes broker= Average Broker Message Size
  broker_max_message_size_bytes broker= Broker max message size in bytes
  broker_min_message_size_bytes broker= Broker min message size in bytes
  broker_memory_limit_bytes broker= Broker memory limit size in bytes
  broker_total_dequeue_messages broker= Broker total dequeue messages
  broker_total_consumers broker= Broker total consumers count
  broker_total_connections broker= Broker total connections count
  broker_total_enqueue_messages broker= Broker total enqueue count
  broker_total_producers broker= Broker total producers count
  broker_total_messages broker= Broker total messages count
queue_AverageMessageSize average_message_size_bytes broker=, name=, type= Average Message Size
queue_CursorFull cursor_full_bool broker=, name=, type= CursorFull indicator
queue_CursorMemoryUsage cursor_memory_usage_bytes broker=, name=, type= Cursor Memory Usage
queue_CursorPercentUsage cursor_usage_percent broker=, name=, type= Cursor Percent Usage
queue_DequeueCount dequeue_messages broker=, name=, type= Dequeue count
queue_DispatchCount dispatch_messages broker=, name=, type= Dispatch count
queue_EnqueueCount enqueue_messages broker=, name=, type= Enqueue count
queue_InFlightCount inflight_messages broker=, name=, type= InFlight count
queue_MaxMessageSize max_message_size_bytes broker=, name=, type= Max message size in bytes
queue_MinMessageSize min_message_size_bytes broker=, name=, type= Min message size in bytes
queue_MemoryLimit memory_limit_bytes broker=, name=, type= Memory limit size in bytes
queue_MemoryUsageByteCount memory_usage_bytes broker=, name=, type= Memory usage in byte
queue_ProducerFlowControl producer_flow_control_bool broker=, name=, type= Producer flow control
queue_QueueSize queue_size broker=, name=, type= QueueSize
logback_events_total logback_events_total level=warn, debug, error, trace, info Number of log events that were enabled by the effective log level
interface_status interface_status interface= Interface state
interface_autostart interface_autostart interface= Interface autostart state
interface_autostartRunningState interface_autostart_running_state interface= Interface autostart running state
interface_runningState interface_running_state interface= Interface running state (combined state all flows and components)
interface_nrOfFlows interface_flows_count interface= Total flows in interface
flow_status flow_status interface=, flow= Flow state
flow_autostart flow_autostart interface=, flow= Flow autostart state
flow_autostartRunningState flow_autostart_running_state interface=, flow= Flow autostart running state
flow_runningState flow_running_state interface=, flow= Flow running state (combined state all components)
flow_nrOfComponents flow_components_count interface=, flow= Total components in flow
flow_totalReceived flow_received_total interface=, flow= number of received messages
flow_totalSend flow_send_total interface=, flow= number of send messages
flow_totalErrors flow_errors_total interface=, flow= number of errors on flow
flow_handleCount flow_serviced_total interface=, flow= number of serviced messages
flow_maxDuration flow_duration_seconds_max of flow_max_duration_ms interface=, flow= Maximum time spent in flow
flow_minDuration REMOVED interface=, flow=  
flow_meanDuration flow_mean_duration_ms interface=, flow= Flow mean duration
flow_standardDeviationDuration flow_standard_deviation_ms interface=, flow= Flow standard deviation duration
  flow_duration_seconds_count interface=, flow= Number of messages
  flow_duration_seconds_sum interface=, flow= Total seconds
component_status component_status   Component state
component_autostart component_autostart   Component autostart state
component_autostartRunningState component_autostart_running_state message_ Component autostart running state
component_nrOfMessages REMOVED    
component_nrOfErrors component_failed_total   Number of messages failed by the component
component_minDuration REMOVED    
component_maxDuration component_processing_time_seconds_max of component_processing_time_max_ms   Maximum time spent processing messages by the component
component_meanDuration component_processing_time_mean_ms   Mean time spent processing messages by the component
component_standardDeviation Duration component_processing_time_standard_ deviation_ms interface=, flow=, component= Standard deviation of time spent processing messages by the component
  component_processingTime_seconds_sum   Time spent processing messages by the component
  component_processingTime_seconds_count   Time spent processing messages by the component
  component_sent_total   Number of messages sent by the component
  component_received_total </td Number of messages received by the component
  connectplaza_analyze_ datasource_num_connections   The number of connections used by Analyze.
  connectplaza_analyze_ datasource_num_busy_connections   The number of busy connections used by Analyze.
  connectplaza_analyze_ messages_received_post_queue_total   The number of Analyze messages received after queueing.
  connectplaza_analyze_ messages_received_pre_queue_total   The number of Analyze messages received before queueing.
  connectplaza_analyze_ stored_messages_total   The number of Analyze messages successfully stored.
  connectplaza_analyze_ wiretap_errors_total   The number of Analyze wiretap errors.
  connectplaza_analyze_ undeliverable_messages_total   The number of undelivered Analyze messages received.
  connectplaza_analyze_ message_processing_time_seconds_max   The time it takes to process an Analyze message from creation to storage.
  connectplaza_analyze_ message_processing_time_seconds   The time it takes to process an Analyze message from creation to storage.
  connectplaza_analyze_ datasource_num_failed_checkouts   The number of failed connection checkouts in the Analyze data source.
  connectplaza_analyze_ message_size_KB   The size of Analyze messages in KBs.
  connectplaza_analyze_ message_size_KB_max   The max size of Analyze messages in KBs.
  connectplaza_analyze_ business_entity_creation_errors_total   The number of errors that occurred while creating business entities.
  connectplaza_analyze_ datasource_num_idle_connections   The number of idle connections used by Analyze.
  connectplaza_analyze_ message_storage_errors_total   The number of Analyze messages that could not be stored.