
Description of the wizard

This wizard is ment to be an example on how wizards work.This wizard creates a simple file in --> file out interface. The file in the input directory will be moved to the output directory.

Description of the steps


The first step is the introdcutions of this wizard. This will tell you what the wizard is all about.

Basic interface settings

In this step you can add the following information:

Field name Description
Interface name This is the name of the interface. If this name already exists, a timestamp will be added to this name when saving the interface
Interface description Your own description of the interface

File input / output settings

Add the settings of your interface in this screen.

Field name Description
In directory The directory to read (pick up) the files from.
Out directory Path to the directory where the file is written to


This is the last step before completing the wizard. Select the option to create a bundle or not, and press Finish to generate the interface.