ConnectPlaza ConnectAgent Si 4.2.0
This is minor release 4.2.0 of ConnectPlaza ConnectAgent. The release is part of the annual release schedule of ConnectPlaza.
Installation NOTES: installation notes 4.1.96 en 4.2.0
Release Notes :
The main changes in this release are the changed update mechanism and new directory structure. Added ConnectPlaza Control and ConnectPlaza Monitor functionality with a rule engine that can send Monitor notifications by monitoring metrics.
New/Modified functionality
- Control notifications are sent via RSocket and RSocket gateway to agent specific topic for ConnectPlaza Monitor.
- Implemented the Async File Reader Service.
- Kafka Consumer and producer
- Update mechanism changed. Updates contain now complete ConnectAgent version. During update client specific files are copied to new version. ConnectAgent is switched to new version by switching symbolic link.
- HttpListener GET parameters to properties.
- Base64Encoding service supports encode/decode XPATH or HEADER
- Message Enricher supports enrich from header or script
- OAuth2 Gateway supports grant_type refresh_token
- Analyze DB SQL improvement
- OAuth2 support for Client Authentication Method BASIC, POST and NONE
- ConnectPlaza Agent Mail Filename attachment through Content-Id
Deprecated functionality
- Reverse HTTP interface disabled via connect.adapters.donotstart property. Interface will be removed in future version.
- Connectplaza File Consumer legacy-poller default deprecated. Legacy-poller no longer visible in frontend for new file consumer components.
Solved internal bugs
- Analyze cleanup issue solved.
- Control interface reinstall issue solved.
- Control interface logging level issue solved.
- ConnectPlaza Analyze Advance mode will disable analyze ruleengine.
- Classpath expansion moved to java. This avoids classpaths are becoming too long on commandline.