ConnectPlaza ConnectAgent Si 4.1.0
This is minor release 4.1.0 of ConnectPlaza ConnectAgent. The release is part of the annual release schedule of ConnectPlaza.
Release Notes :
New Features
- Added support for SystemD under Linux
- Improved REST listener support
- Improved services for testing XPath, JsonPath and Regex directly from the Studio.
- Support for Amazon Simple Queue Service
- Support for OAuth2/JWT Authentication directly onto any outbound or inbound HTTP API call using Listeners or Gateways.
- Support for disabling Strict Reply Parsing for FTP components
- Support for enabling and disabling Cookie Management in any HTTP based outbound call.
- Support for directly sending specified MessagePart as a SOAP Envelope for Webservice calls.
- Added Wizard for interfaces in Constructor
- Mass deployment overview has now a sort option
Solved issues
- HTTP Outbound Gateway response type select by dropdown
- MySQL8 database useSSL must be false.
- Service components send exceptions through error handling
- Better support for MySQL version specific Hibernate dialects. Can choose specific versions in deploy frontend.