ConnectPlaza ConnectAgent 3.4.1
This is maintenance release 3.4.1 of ConnectPlaza ConnectAgent.
Release Notes :
Solved Bugs
- Missing entries for componentname and class caused myesb-mail-consumer to fail.
- myesb-channel-proxy-consumer-reliable had no (visible?)LifeCycle interface. Therefore the component could not be started or stopped by the agent.
- Regex, JSONPath and XPath splitter did not copy ConnectMessage headers to split messages.
- Http Outbound problem with Accept-Charset fixed.
- Heartbeats where no longer send to myesb-control.
- Fixed bug in Loggerservice en support voor :headers[] syntax
- logfile in deploy somethimes contained lots of 0's. Fixed
- New deploy-adapter 3.4.7.
- A resource: in a dynamic property was not replaced with classpath:/META-INF/resources/ during deployment fase.
- Implemented cache for ConnectplazaBundle class. Speed improvement.
- Removed wiretaps and made backendchannel concurrent. Speed improvement.
- Solved backward-compatibility issues.
- New analyze adapter 3.4.1