ConnectPlaza ConnectAgent SI 3.0.0
Si-Agent 3.0.0 Changelog
Context changes :
- Agent now runs on JDK 8 only!
- all major spring libs from 3.2.x to 4.2.x
- servlet api from 2.3 to 3.1.0
- hibernate from 3.5.5 to 5.0.2
- activeMQ from 5.3.2 to 5.9.0
- agent root directory renamed from myesb-connect-agent to connectplaza-agent
- added license.connectplaza.com to truststore
- added rhttp.connectplaza.com to truststore
- connect-agent.log in ConnectAgentMultiMBean replaced with connectplaza-agent.log
- Default file encoding tadded to wrapperconf : wrapper.java.additional.8 = -Dfile.encoding=UTF8
New adapter versions :
- license-adapter 3.0.0
- added myesb-update-adapter 3.1.0 https version, works with myesb-update-backend-adapter 1.0.0
- added myesb-analyze-backend-adapter and myesb-security-adapter as donotload in adapters dir
- changed version myesb-analyze-backend 3.1.0 (smpt port)
- myesb-reverse-deploy-adapter now as active in zip
- connect-agent.bat in bat\connect-standalone can now be run from bat dir (ws from working dir)
- readme.txt up to date.
SI-components 3.0.0 Changelog
New Features:
- Added mail-consumer type
- Added simple XML to JSON convertor
- myesb-ftp-command-gateway : ftp:outbound-gateway has now attribute mode="REPLACE", default is to replace an already existing file (according to docmentation default = FAIL, xsd reports however default is REPLACE. test indicates documentation is right)
- sftp consumer,outbound-service and producer have now the allowUnknownKey attribute default to true. Should become configurable. 4.2 also has support for knownhosts file
- added encoding property for file-consumer and file-consumer-legacy
- first experimental support for myesb-generic-service scripting support (groovy dependency added, see testcase MyESBGenericServiceTest) out-of-the-box support for javascript and groovy, jruby support needs extra libs in endorsed
- scripting support added to myesb-filter
- scripting support added to myesb-router
- scripting support added to myesb-header
- #1033 channelwiretap will preserve the cm properties onto the si headers. Functionality from ConnectMessageToObjectTransformer. Will be reversed by the ObjectToConnectMesageTrabsformer in the myesb-channel-proxy that will receive the message.
- #998 File Reader Service Exceptions during conversion to XML were lost.
- #997 FTPConsumers have their own local-directory based on adapter.channel.component to avoid concurrency.
- #957 Camel casing solved
- #1054 fieldtype of xpath definitions in several components changed to xpath
- #931 Request term removed from description of queue-name and queue-name-from-header
- cron-type set in jmx-attribute-consumer
- #958 - FtpConsumer added handling for default / for remote-directory property
- Added messagetype property in ftp-consumer type (xsd) for backwards compat.
Library changes :
- junit from 4.8.1 to 4.12 (spring 4.0 required 4.9 or higher)
- jackson-annotations en jackson-core van 2.3.0 naar 2.6.3
- jackson-xc (codehaus) replaced by jackson-module-jaxb-annotations(fasterxml) 2.6.3 http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.codehaus.jackson/jackson-xc
- httpclient must be 4.3+. Moved from 4.2.1 to 4.5.1