Release notes Front-end
Release notes 5.0.0
- Constructor, Deploy, Control - Widgets are now sorted chronologically, showing the latest widgets first.
- Constructor - Added a way to configure the JMX port when generating an agent.
- Constructor - Fixed an issue where building the list of flows that can be routed to, happened multiple times per page load. This drastically improves browser performance for Router components with many mappings.
- Constructor - Fixed an issue with default values of properties, where no value was getting set instead of the default value.
- Constructor - Fixed an issue where fetching a resource that contains a reference to a deleted user resulted in an error.
- Constructor - Fixed an issue where building an interface containing multiple flows with a LARGEFILE component gave an error.
- Deploy - An agent license now correctly sets the default connection value to connect over RSocket. This fixes an issue where Deploy would not show agents that start for the first time.
- Control - Fixed an issue where enabling or disabling metrics in Control did not save properly.
Release notes 4.4.0
- Analyze - When opening Analyze and selecting a ConnectPlaza ConnectAgent, the dialog now has a Close button to prevent blocking the application.
- Constructor - Right clicking the tab of your flow now has an 'Go to interface' option, which will open and scroll to the associated interface.
- Constructor - When creating a new interface, the interface list will automatically scroll to the newly created interface and open it.
- Constructor - An issue where uploading Mapforce zip files did not always work as intended, is now fixed.
- Constructor - The availability of the LargeFile message type within File- and FTP-components is restricted when an LFS license is not present.
- Constructor - Newly bundled interfaces utilizing the LargeFile type can now exclusively be deployed on an agent with an LFS license.
- Constructor - Hovering on a tabname now shows the full name of the flow, and shows the name of the interface it is from.
- Constructor - When hovering on the property of an interface, the value is now shown aswell as the property description.
- Constructor - The Custom handling option is deprecated and removed from Constructor.
- Deploy - You can now select the value of the autostart property of an interface during deployment. To change the autostart value previously, a new bundle needed to be made. This value is now used to represent the default selected value for autostart.
- Deploy - Alphabetical ordering of ConnectAgents is now maintained consistently across all pages within the selection screen.
- Deploy - The agent selection overview will now remember the last selected page after visiting an agent configuration.
- Deploy - The ability to stop and start interfaces in Deploy is no longer available. This feature has been moved into ConnectPlaza Control.
- Deploy - Agent configuration options with CRON have now a CRON generator as in ConnectPlaza Constructor.
- Deploy - The updates tab for agents now includes a refresh button, allowing you to update the list of available updates for this agent.
- Deploy - Improved the display for the installation report of the ConnectAgent.
- Monitor - New and improved look and feel for the monitor application. The look is now more in line with the other applications within ConnectPlaza Studio.
- Monitor - Notifications from all agents are now consolidated and visible in a single list within the Monitor Agent overview.
- Monitor - Hovering over Agents in the agent overview will now show the full name of the agent.
- Monitor - The agent detail screen now shows the agent version and the java version of the agent. These will show the values reported during the last license check.
- Monitor - Notifications with level 'OK' will now be persistent until Ackknowledged, but won't have an effect on the Agent Status.
- Analyze - Logging out in any application of ConnectPlaza will also log out Analyze.
- Constructor - Changing the interface name also renames the targetflows accordingly.
- Constructor - The dragging functionality for properties that hold integers, like port numbers, now operates as intended.
- Constructor - The dialog used for uploading files when importing interfaces, is now cleared properly.
- Constructor - Fixed an error where in some cases, all nested properties of a flow were incorrectly able to be marked as dynamic.
- Constructor - Fixed an error where conditionally required attributes of a flow were not correctly marked as required.
- Constructor - Fixed an issue where previously configured properties that are now irrelevant, still showed up in the bundle.
- Control - Turning on and off metrics in Message Broker now saves properly.
- Control - Scrollbars stay visible after refresh of screen.
- Deploy/Constructor - Fixed an issue where in some cases, properties of the type 'secret' were not obfuscated properly.
- Deploy - Saving agent configuration properties now works as intended.
- Deploy - The connection settings to configure your agent are removed. RSocket is now default.
- Deploy - Agent overview returns correct deployment of Analyze and Control interfaces.
- Deploy - Fixed an issue where adding a non dynamic global property to an interface, resulted in an error during deployment.
- Deploy - Fixed a bug affecting the mass deployment of agents and interfaces, where the list of agents was not fetched correctly.
- Deploy - The mass deployment functionality of agents now overwrites the set value of “update until” for every agent.
- Deploy - Fixed an issue where adding a non dynamic global property to an interface, resulted in an error during deployment.
Release notes 4.2.0
- Constructor – Disabled the use of dynamic values on ftp components
- Constructor - Special characters are no longer allowed in interface names
- Deploy – Added a selection between automatic or manual agent updates
- Analyze – Added the option to remove matched entries in batches
- Control - Notification can now be acknowledged individually
- Control - Changed Priority field position when adding rules
- Control – Removed confusing status notification lights within control
- Monitor - Added Monitor application
- ConnectStore – Cards now all have the same size
- Documentation – Added default header information of messages
- Constructor – Made changes in layout fixing of the interface menu
- Constructor – Changed wrong documentation link for salesforce components
- Deploy – You can no longer change configuration without connection to the agent
- Control – Fixed problems with removing a rule
- Control – Fixed error message while setting notifications on metrics
- Control – fixed several typo’s in the frontend
- Control – Fixed layout issues with interfaces after reloading the window
- Control – Fixed screen freeze after event resetting
- Control – Rules without template no longer visible in the overview
- Control – Fixed issues with switching agents
Release notes 4.1.0
- Constructor - Added menu when creating new interface
- Constructor - Added Wizards
- Constructor - Filter field not required show false red border
- Constructor - Copy function for scripts, beans and resources.
- Analyze - Find example in XPath Tester leads to login screen fix
- Analyze - Permalink are now safer to use
- Constructor - Better error reportoring by server failure when getting business connectors
- Constructor - Mapforce upload bug mpf with one mpd fix
- Constructor - Bundle with errors advanced options fix
- Constructor - Regex when using header enricher fix
- Deploy - Analyze settings parameters fix
- Deploy - Deploy problems with quickdeploy fix
- Deploy - Agents list are now shown in alfabetic order
Release notes 4.0.0
- Dashboard - Added functionality to order ConnectAgents, Logins etc. online
- Dashboard - Added Reseller options
- Dashboard - ConnectAgents now have custom tags
- Constructor - Added an option to generate a diagram per Business Connector
- Constructor - Some component properties now have support for a number range
- Deploy - Added a new ConnectAgent installer for windows
- Deploy - Added an overview page for ConnectAgents
- Deploy - Added a mass deployment option for interfaces
- Deploy - Added a mass upgrade option for interfaces
- Deploy - Added a mass upgrade option for ConnectAgents
- Deploy - ConnectAgents now have custom tags
- Deploy - Added an option to filter on installed interfaces only
- Deploy - Added a permalink to download a generated ConnectAgent zip file
- Deploy - Added the option for RSocket connections
- Deploy - The interface dialog now also shows the selected ConnectAgent info
- General - Upgrade to a newer version of PHP
- Analyze - We corrected some issues with session removal after logging out
- Analyze - Added a fix for exporting Business Entities
- Analyze - Fixed headers inside a messagepart are not shown
- Constructor - Fixed global properties secret fields readable
- Constructor - Fixed dynamic properties inside Header Enricher
- Constructor - Fixed the problem with WSDL component in Consumer
- Constructor - Mapforce styling fix
- Constructor - Added detailed error messaging when uploading a Mapforce file
- Constructor - Fixed broken link to Javadoc from script view in Constructor
- Constructor - Memory issues fixed
- Constructor - Fixed flow component ordering issues
- Deploy - Fixed ConnectAgent updates field not correctly shown
- Deploy - Fixed the no data error with Analyze installation
- Deploy - Updated certificate management help
- Deploy - Fixed issues with the restart button not working
- Deploy - Fixed issues with empty sections in the ConnectAgent configuration
- Deploy - Fixed problems with the cron generator
- Control - Fixed connection issues
- General - The focus outline glow in chrome is now disabled
- General - Added new PHP version compatibility
Release notes 3.6.0
- Restyled our entire website
- Added a completely new search functionality to the website
- Restyled our documentation pages
- Added tutorial video's
- Added the new Dashboard into the ConnectPlaza Studio
- Added the ConnectPlaza Community Edition
- Fixed a download issue within deploy
- Resolved issues with unsubscribing from the email list
- Fixed some problems with the quartz generator
- Fields that are not shown in the components will no longer be bundled
- Fixed time display in Analyze business entities
- Fixed problems with switching inter-adapter between true and false
- Changed interface naming to correct spaces properly
- The value of properties in an interface are shown correctly
- Fixed save button at x-path router producer
- When manually adding a new messagePart, the new value will be selected automatically
Release notes 3.5.4
- Fixed wrong data presentation of the quartz cron builder
- Fixed issue when using inter-interface option in router components
Release notes 3.5.3
- Fixed issues with XPath router save button not enabling
- Fixed issues with the Control diagram overview
Release notes 3.5.0
- New function to quick deploy an interface via Constructor
- Added an identification when a flow uses a proxy
- The interface diagram now shows disabled components
- Added a regex helper for easier to use regular expressions
- Added a cron / quartz helper for easier to use cronjobs
- Components with a messagepart property now have a custom text
- Added time notation to bundled interfaces
- Created a visual representation when an interface or flow's autostart property is disabled
- Redesigned the custom script editor
- Added a switch in deploy to hide snapshot interfaces
- Added extended compatibility based on the version of the agent and the interface
- The agent properties can now be configured via deploy
- When leaving deploy a save state is created automatically
- Added support for installing the Control email reporter
- Added support for ActiveMQ metrics in Control
- Added permalinks for messages and flows in Analyze
- Added a visual representation when interfaces are being deleted in Deploy
- Fixed issues with incorrect "no connection" dialog
- Tweaked backend setting for faster multi user synchronization
- Fixed null pointer exceptions when refreshing a flow in Control
- Clearer status identification in Control
- Fixed issues with agent generation
- Fixed issues with the save button in Constructor staying disabled
- Mapforce uploader problems are now fixed
- Improved the auto upgrade process for interfaces
- Fixed bug in the xpath helper
- Fixed issues with consumer components
- Minor fix in the last changed date information
- Fixes issue with pictures in our documentation
- Fixed issues when uploading a wrong certificate in Deploy
- Better processing of Analyze when the agent is offline
- The reset button in Analyze now resets the entire data
- General performance improvements
- Minor text changes
Release notes 3.4.2
- Fixed the issue with importing properties on interface level
- Made changes to the xpath validator compatibilities
- Fixed the issue with getting blank pages when downloading a resource
Release notes 3.4.1
- The cron editor is now available while editing properties
- Fixed "Could not read document" message when deploying interface in Deploy
- Changed gray loading screen when initializing Deploy
- Fixed problem with no id's when interface is empty in Constructor
- The default value for the MapForce plugin is no longer cleared in Deploy when a dynamic value is used
- Fixed problems with name changing of a duplicated interface within Constructor
- Solved sorting problems with flows created before 01/01/2017
- Changed multiple problems with advanced option in Constructor
- Added performance boost for the initial loading screen of Deploy
- Changed agent list within Deploy to alphabetical order
Release notes 3.4.0
- Released the Control component to ConnectPlaza
- Added global property management
- Added the ability to close all tabs at once in Constructor
- Added "Last updated by" info to interfaces, flows and components
- Added "deployed by" information to Deploy
- Added an agent select screen when loading Deploy and Analyze for the first time
- The current dynamic values for the installed interface are now shown in Deploy
- Able to add an extra email address for receiving agent notifications
- Show agent and server info to the about popup
- Changed layout for the agent dropdown list
- Better support for conditional obligated values
- Boolean values can no longer be empty in Constructor
- Easy setup for MongoDB in Deploy
- Added default values for standard fields based on the protocol chosen
- For added security the password is send via a link instead of plain text
- Greatly improved the Mapforce plugin usability to minimize user mistakes
- Implemented autostart functionality on flow level
- Deploy automatically adds the CP keystore password when uploading a new server certificate
- Enhanced the usability of Constructor by adding "advanced" option
- Added the ability to view runtime configuration at component level in Control
- Added a label for deprecated components within Constructor
- Added a label for advanced components within Constructor
- Created an option in Deploy for developers to use an embedded database for the agent
- Added large text field support in Constructor
- Updated the online script editor
- Added a marker when an agent update is available
- Fixed the scrolling issue in Constructor
- Updated general performance
- Fixed an issue with the XPath Helper
- Added warnings when the same input file path is used within an interface
- No longer showing fields in the xml if they depend on empty fields
- Changed wrong message when a connection with the agent cannot be established
- Fixed unsavable components
- Fixed dynamic property loss when renaming flows
- Solved an issue with drag & dropping components in Constructor
- Updated the Cron Selector in Constructor
- Fixed error while loading bundles in Constructor
- Upgraded usability when adding a new server certificate
- Updated the Quartz Cron wizard
- Fixed special character problem within the email sender description field
- Fixed the error when trying to delete a release version within Deploy
- Added "No custom handlings" message when there are no custom handlings found
- Fixed permalinks for diagrams in Constructor
- Fixed interface overview markers in Deploy to represent the correct data
- Solved a problem while deleting a trusted certificate
- Fixed problem when trying to add a new advanced option
- Solved the page refresh when adding a property in Constructor
- Online script editor height error fix
Release notes 3.3.0
- Implemented the latest update for the online script editor
- Deployable Analyze and Control components for customers with the right licenses
- The edit screen of newly created flows is shown after creation
- Added a warning when trying to generate an agent for productional use with an InMemory database
- Added "nospaces" attribute to different components
- Removed the option to set non dynamic components as dynamic ones.
- Sequences in Header Enrichers and routers are now dynamically
- Enable/disable the save button based on changes detected
- Added shortcut CTRL+S as save option in constructor
- New option to change autostart function per interface
- Improved dynamic value field types to match those of the static variant
- Added an option to overwrite a consumer or a producer
- Two way encryption added to downloadable .cinterfaces
- Added the ability to setup your agent database from the deploy screen
- Created a new option to set the flows as concurrent
- Added the keystore manager to deploy
- Updated security by adding a MD5 checksum when downloading an agent
- Added an open all function for the component libraries
- Updated security by adding Captcha support for account registering.
- Automatically open the categories when searches for a component
- You can now add a description to interfaces, flows and components
- Created a JSONPath helper within Constructor
- Changed header items to dropdown containers with the header item name in the top bar
- Consolidated the port numbers in the email listener to minimize user mistakes
- Added drag and drop function for Messageparts in the Message Enricher
- Changed the update report order from asc to desc
- Fixed the "already logged in" message when registering for a trial account.
- Fixed the issue with installing the "simple file interface" sample interface.
- You are no longer able to change business connectors while Constructor is still loading
- When deleting a script the popup will now close itself
- Created a clear notification when trying to install an interface when the agent is not available
- The save button is no longer disabled when changing the state of a user defined service
- Automatically open header items when loading the header enricher
- Able to set "Max files per pol" to -1 in the file pickup
- Fixed an issue where the custom scripts would be deleted when switching from Constructor to Deploy
- Fixed the styling of the mandatory tags for components
- The autostart settings are being saved correctly when a change is made
- Fixed the "no value" error when generating a bundle with a file pickup and file drop
- Improved the layout of the class dropdown for the MapForce component
- Fixed a problem with the custom error handling classes
- The log level in deploy is now in sync with the agent after a reinstalling of the interface
- Updated the "User already logged in" error message
- Running interfaces that are deleted in Constructor are shown in the General business connector in Deploy
- Fixed the problem with reference fields not showing
- Fixed the update URL to the correct release notes
- Constructor can now be opened in Internet Explorer 11
- Fixed Header Enricher component when viewed in the diagram
Release notes 3.2.0
- Multi-user support has been added. If you have multiple user accounts, you can now use those simultaneously. Your development work will automatically be synchronized to the other online users.
- A button has been added in the top right corner of both Constructor and Deploy, showing the amount of users logged in for your profile. If you press this button, you can see which users are logged in at the moment.
- If your user account has access to multiple developer licenses, you can now switch between those in Constructor.
- If your user account has access to multiple agent licenses, you can now switch between those in Deploy.
- Improved the control you have over System interfaces like Analyze backend and Deploy backend. Some of these you cannot stop or deinstall, because they are vital to the agent.
- The amount of flows in your flows, interfaces and agent are now shown in Deploy. Also the maximum amount of flows you can use is shown.
- Improved the process of ordering licenses.
- Improved the Dashboard functionality. With the new dashboard, you now have an easy to access overview of all the licenses in your profile.
- Improved suggestions for the name of a dynamic property.
- Changing the name of a flow or an interface now correctly refactors this change with regards to dynamic properties.
- Flow references, as found for example in routers and filters, will now only let you choose between flows that have a flow proxy component, which is necessary for the flow reference to work.
- Deploy now correctly shows installed Interfaces that do not exist in your bundle store. You can uninstall and stop these interfaces, but not reinstall them.
- When uploading an interface through the drop function, you now have to choose a Business Connector to put this interface into.
- The XPathHelper in Analyze has been improved.
- Text changes throughout the platform for clarity.
Release notes 3.1.2
- Added an FAQ page to the documentation.
- Made textual changes to the license page.
- Fixed a rare issue where flow references would not be properly displayed.
Release notes 3.1.1
- Fixed a rare issue where the ConnectPlaza platform would not show properly after the 3.1.0 release.
- Made some small textual changes to the license page.
Release notes 3.1.0
- Scripting support has been added to ConnectPlaza in release 3.1.0. You can find the script tab under the resource tab in each of your interfaces. The scripts you add here will have to be written in Javascript. This is supported with a Javascript editor within the ConnectPlaza platform.
- If you upload a .cadapter file containing an Interface with a name that already exists in your Business Connector, the current Interface will be overwritten by the Interface from the .cadapter file. This makes it easier to return to an earlier version of your Interface.
- The HTTP Listener now supports multiple methods on the same context path.
- The Bean editor has been converted to an XML syntax highlighter.
- We have placed our components into categories to reduce the size of the list and to make it easier to find the component you're looking for.
- We have added an update tab to Deploy. From the update tab you can see which updates are available, decide up to which version you'd like to update and view update logs detailing how the update process went.
- There is now a button in Deploy with which you can restart the agent you are logged in with.
- When you are logged in as a developer you can now easily switch to any end-user agent associated with your account. This is done with a drop down menu in the top right corner of Deploy.
- You can now refresh the Business Connector overview by pressing the button in the top right corner of this overview.
- It is now possible to stop and start an Interface without uninstalling it.
- There is now a new ConnectPlaza Dashboard. We changed the way you can manage your licenses with a focus on ease of use.
- We have also changed the process of ordering a license. First of all we have added a page detailing all types of licenses we offer and from there we have simplified the way you order your license to get you started as soon as possible.
- Our twitter feed is now featured on the main page of our website.
- We have added JavaDoc for certain parts of the ConnectPlaza platform to support advanced scripting.
- There are now separate pages for our Privacy agreement, General Terms and Cookie policy.
- If there is an error with uploading a resource, a message will be shown.
- Flow Reference lists will now only show Flows with a Proxy consumer.
- Flow Reference lists will now be sorted in alphabetical order.
- The notice screen that is shown when building an Interface will now advise to create a local backup.
- If you cancel the settings for a flow, the settings you changed will now be properly ignored in all cases.
- Duplicating a flow will now switch your view automatically to the copy.
- Widgets are now removable from the cockpit.
- Beans can now be created without any Bean XML. If the Bean XML is empty, the system will assume there are no bean settings.
- Sub tables are now supported in the diagram. This pertains to Sub tables such as the headers you can add in the Header Enricher component.
- We have fixed an issue where the Cron Generator would fall over zeroes.
- The Install and Back buttons in the Interface details screen have been switched to prevent pressing the Remove All button by accident.
- Each Interface is now properly lined out in its own row.
- Fixed an issue where the Agent Connection settings were not properly saved when changed.
- Widgets are now removable from the cockpit.
Release notes 3.0.2
- The ampersand character (&) is now usable everywhere in ConnectPlaza.
- Numerical fields can now be made dynamic.
- Fixed an occurrence where the table of contents of the documentation would not show correctly.
Release notes 3.0.1
Important messages to live users:
- We can now send messages directly to every user that is currently using Constructor or Deploy.
- We will use this to give you a warning when we are applying an update or a patch to our servers.
Interface Diagram look and feel upgraded:
- We noticed that the Interface Diagram is an excellent tool to get a good overview of all the Flows in one of your Interfaces.
- Therefore we decided to improve it even further. We primarily improved readability and introduced a way to see which flows interact with each other.
- The Quartz/Cron widget is now more stable.
- Table of contents layout spacing fixed in the documentation.
- Negative values can no longer be entered in numeric fields where the value cannot be negative.
- The duration of trial accounts has been increased to 30 days from 10 days.
- Fixed a rare occurrence where a license check could fail on a valid license.
- When switching a value between dynamic and static, the value you entered will carry over.
- Passwords are now hidden in the Interface Diagram and the interface settings in.
- Added a validation check before creating a bundle. The minimum requirements are one active flow and one active consumer component per active flow.
- The Interface Diagram permalink now works.
- It is now possible to have one profile with multiple partners accounts.
- Flow references can now be set to None.
- In the documentation webpages, the navigation menu now auto focuses its scroll distance correctly.