Microsoft Mail Sender

Microsoft Mail Sender

The Microsoft Mail Sender is specifically designed to send mail via Exchange Online (as part of Microsoft 365) using modern authentication. The generic ConnectPlaza E-Mail Sender is at the time of writing not compatible with modern authentication and as such is not suited to send mail via Exchange Online.

Please note that before you can use the Microsoft Mail Listener you need to register an application within Azure Active Directory. See Microsoft mail app registration instructions.

This component maps an incoming ConnectMessage to an outgoing mail message. The exact details of this mapping are determined by the configuration of this component. One common example of such a mapping is illustrated below.

The Sender can be configured to pick up the to, cc, bcc, and reply-to recipients from either headers or to give them a fixed value. The same applies to the mail subject and importance.

The content-type of the body can either be text or html.

When mapping MessageParts to mail attachments, you can specify the attachment name by adding an "attachmentName" header to the MessagePart. By default, the attachment name is equal to the MessagePart. Furthermore, it can pick up the content-type of the attachment by adding a "contentType" header with the desired value to the MessagePart. If no such "contentType" header is specified the Default Attachment Content-Type is used. You can also add an "inline" header to the MessagePart if you want to inline the attachment (the value of this header does not matter, the component simply checks for the presence of this header).

Finally, there is a "contentId" MessagePart header that can be mapped to the Content-Id property of an attachment. When sending a mail with an HTML body that contains images (i.e. <img>​ tags), the Content-ID can be used to refer to an image included in an attachment.

ConnectMessageParts can have multiple payload types. The ones supported here are TEXT, DOCUMENT (i.e. XML) and BYTE_ARRAY. When TEXT or DOCUMENT is detected, the default character encoding is used to encode the contents of these MessageParts when creating the mail attachments.

In the table below, you will find an explanation of the component attributes. All attributes with a ‘*’ are mandatory.




By default, we fill this out with the technical ‘tag’, followed by a serial number. Changing the name is optional.


Check this box if you want this service to be enabled.

Body Source

The manner in which to define the body of the mail.

FROM_PART - Take the body of the mail from a MessagePart.

FIXED - Define a fixed body for all outgoing mail.

MessagePart In*

Only available if Body Source is set to FROM_PART.

The MessagePart used as the mail body.

Fixed Body Part*

Only available if Body Source is set to FIXED.

The fixed mail body text, i.e. this is the body text that is used for all outgoing mail messages.

Client ID*

The client id of the registered app.

Client Secret*

The client secret of the registered app.

Tenant ID*

The tenant ID.

User Account Specification Type

The manner in which to define the user account used to send mail.

User Account*

Only available if User Account Specification Type is set to FIXED.

The email address, ID or principal name of the mailbox owner.

User Account Header*

Only available if User Account Specification Type is set to FROM_HEADER.

The ConnectMessage header that contains the email address, ID or principal name of the mailbox owner.

From Email Specification Type

The manner in which to define from which email address to send mail from.

From Email Address

Only available if From Email Specification Type is set to FIXED.

The email address to send mail from. Note that the above specified user must have the required permissions to send mail from this email address.

From Email Address Header

Only available if From Email Specification Type is set to FROM_HEADER.

The ConnectMessage header that contains the email address to send mail from. Note that the above specified user must have the required permissions to send mail from this email address.

Body Content Type

The content type of the mail body.

To Recipients Specification Type

The manner in which to define the "to recipients" of the mail.

To Recipients*

Only available if To Recipients Specification Type is set to FIXED.

A comma-separated list of email addresses to which the email should be sent.

To Recipients Header*

Only available if To Recipients Specification Type is set to FROM_HEADER.

The ConnectMessage header that contains a comma-separated list of email addresses to which the email should be sent.

CC Recipients Specification Type

The manner in which to define the "cc recipients" of the mail.

CC Recipients

Only available if CC Recipients Specification Type is set to FIXED.

A comma-separated list of email addresses to which the email should be cc'd.

CC Recipients Header

Only available if CC Recipients Specification Type is set to FROM_HEADER.

The ConnectMessage header that contains a comma-separated list of email addresses to which the email should be cc'd.

BCC Recipients Specification Type

The manner in which to define the "bcc recipients" of the mail.

BCC Recipients

Only available if BCC Recipients Specification Type is set to FIXED.

A comma-separated list of email addresses to which the email should be bcc'd.

BCC Recipients Header

Only available if BCC Recipients Specification Type is set to FROM_HEADER.

The ConnectMessage header that contains a comma-separated list of email addresses to which the email should be bcc'd.

Subject Specification Type

The manner in which to define the subject of the mail.


Only available if Subject Specification Type is set to FIXED.

The subject of all mails send by this component.

Subject Header*

Only available if Subject Specification Type is set to FROM_HEADER.

The ConnectMessage header that contains the subject.

Importance Specification Type

The manner in which to define the importance of the mail.


Only available if Importance Specification Type is set to FIXED.

The importance of all mails send by this component.

Importance Header

Only available if Importance Specification Type is set to FROM_HEADER.

The ConnectMessage header that contains the importance. Note that the supported values are LOW, NORMAL and HIGH.

Reply To Recipients Specification Type

The manner in which to define the "reply to recipients" of the mail.

Reply To Recipients

Only available if Reply To Recipients Specification Type is set to FIXED.

A comma-separated list of email addresses to which the email should be replied to.

Reply To Recipients Header

Only available if Reply To Recipients Specification Type is set to FROM_HEADER.

The ConnectMessage header that contains a comma-separated list of email addresses to which the email should be replied to.

Attachment Source

Which attachments should be included? Note that if ALL is selected and the mail body is taken from an incoming MessagePart, the MessagePart containing the mail body is not attached to the mail.

Attachment ConnectMessagePart Names

Only available if Attachment Source is set to LIST.

A comma-separated list of ConnectMessageParts that are to be included as mail attachments.

Default Attachment Content-Type

The default attachment content-type. This can be overridden by adding a contentType header on the mapped ConnectMessagePart.

Default Mail Attachment Character Encoding

The default character encoding to use when converting a ConnectMessagePart containing text to a mail attachment.

Save to Sent Items

Should sent mail be saved to the "sent items" folder?

Enable Extra Logging (advanced attribute)

Enables extra logging.


Description of the specific service. This is for documentation purposes.