Mapforce service

MapForce Service

The MapForce Service is a service in which a MapForce generated mapping can be loaded. The result of the service is the result of applying the mapping on the configured MessagePart.

You can upload a mapping by pressing the upload-button , located next to the Mapping Classname attribute. You will get the pop-up below to select a zip file with the MapForce Java source.

Drop your MapForce zip file in the box to upload it to ConnectPlaza.

MapForce Java sources you upload using the description above, are compiled in the background: In the zip-file is a Java source code which can be generated by MapForce. This will be transformed to Java byte code by ConnectPlaza.

After uploading your .zip file the resources will show you the functions in the mapforce.jar we just uploaded via the .zip file. You can select these functions and drag them to your Mapping Classname field if you like.

In the table below, you will find an explanation of these properties. All attributes with a ‘*’ are mandatory.




By default, we fill this out with the technical ‘tag’, followed by a serial number. Changing the name is optional.


Set this value to true, if you want this service to be enabled.

Mapping Classname*

Name of the class to run when using Mapforce mappings.

Output Message Type

The type of the message passed to the next service.


Name of the MessagePart in a ConnectMessage where the content of the file is being stored.

When using a multi-input mapping you have to use ALL to specify that all MessageParts have to be used.


The message parts used by the Mapforce mapping must be labeled as msgprt0, msgprt1, msgprt2, etc… In other words, their labels should start with “msgprt” followed by a number. Furthermore, these numbers should be consecutive.

Order of the input files

If you want to know the correct order of your input files, you can check this in the java code in the created .zip file.

  • Unzip the .zip file
  • Open the file MappingMapTo<.......>.java file. You can find this file in the mapforce directory.
  • Check for the class MappingMapTo<.......> class. In this class you see a static class main with the variables in the order you need to put them in the msgprts. It will look something like this:
    com.altova.mapforce.IMFNode var1_Customer_file_instance;
    com.altova.mapforce.IMFNode var2_Order_file_Instance;


Name of the MessagePart in a ConnectMessage where the content of the file is being stored.


Using Mapforce

If you are using Altova's MapForce, always check if your process has at least one entry as input and at least one entry as an output.

You cannot have any output to databases or other external files within your MapForce mapping. This is not supported by ConnectPlaza. Your .zip file will not upload or your connector will not work at all.